Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Love ramblings

My relationship is so good???? In so many ways???? It’s incredible???? I can’t believe this???? It legitimately feels like fate. There is no other way we could be so perfect for each other.

Like, all of our interests and preferences line up in all the right ways. When it comes to chores, I love laundry and dislikes dishes, they like dishes and dislike laundry. But when it comes to music we both like the same things. And there’s like a thousands examples of this, where we either trade off or share interests and it’s beautiful??? Like all the relationship planets aligned.

And it’s weird how easy it feels? Like, when I talk to adults I get really uncomfortable not calling them by their last name, but I can easily call my partner’s family by ‘Uncle’ and ‘Mom’. They already feel like my family. And they see me as a part of the family!! Ah!!!! I am accepted and it is nice. And soon I’m going to their family reunion! And I get to meet more family!!! That feels so special!!!

And we both like cuddling, and I can fit in most of their clothes, (which is AWESOME I love that), and their cat has an unnatural fondness for me, and our friends get along, and all of my family loves them, and living with them doesn’t even feel like fireworks and passionate volcano kisses, it’s like..normal. It feels like the way life is supposed to feel. Like I was waiting for this and the rest of my life had been kind of building up to this preconceived standard? This is where I was supposed to be. I love this. I want this to be my entire life.

I really really love my partner and we fit so well together and we are so good for each other and I have never been as healthy and happy as I am now with them.
I've never had anything feel this good and actually be this good for me.

Life is good.