Thursday, September 17, 2015

An Exercise in Humility

 I am going to try to list all of my bad traits, because apparently I am not very aware of them and need to stop being a narcissistic a-hole. Here we go:

I am a slob & don't understand when others prioritize cleanliness, I keep trying to make myself look good during class introductions (and make myself look bad instead), I have like 2384837 mental disorders (which shouldn't be a bad thing, since I can't exactly control it, but I am counting it), I am so damn depressing, I make everyone awkward by talking about my depressing life blatantly, I never leave anything to the imagination, I don't know when to shut up, I'm socially inept, I can't read subtle cues or passive aggression, I'm lazy, I underestimate my limits, I'm a weak noodle, I try to tell everyone my depressing backstory as if it cements stronger bonds of friendship instead of making people awkward, I get offended when people don't trust me with their own dark backstories, I'm sensitive as hell, I'm not actually too empathetic, I am extremely prideful of all my good traits, I'm a narcissistic asshole, I can't tell if my OCD makes me look at mirrors compulsively or if I just love myself, I occasionally try to take credit for things I didn't do, I can be manipulative, I have 0 self preservation, I'm constantly trying to make people understand me, I can't understand when people dislike me, I really enjoy being depressed, I get disorder envy, I get a bit jealous about people who can actually do severe self-harm, I'm honest primarily because I feel I do no wrong, I'm not actually too honest sometimes, I try to make friends somewhat based on looks and how people present themselves, I'm still ashamed to be Christian, I flaunt my uniqueness and gayness, I am always trying to get friggin attention, I want to be loved so so much, I'm a hopeless romantic but I can never back it up with actions, I can't remember people's names, I can lie worth a damn, I want to be self sacrificing but i can't stand pain or being hated or even inconvenience, I am far too aware of my good sides & how I am better than some people, I find myself very logical but I'm probably friggin crazy, I doubt I can befriend people without mental conditions, I focus on the conditions of people and try to find them, I think I'm far prettier than I am, I can't talk coherently, I keep using Spanish casually & probably offend people, I'm not actually sure if drawing helps me focus or if it's an excuse, I still wonder if I self diagnose too much, I probably have too many projects I'll never finish, I'm not even that great at art, I love showing off, I keep wanting people/making people take care of me, I have zero strength, I wonder whether my anxiety is over exaggerated, I'm pathetic, I wish people would find me more depressed than I am, I have the pep of an obnoxious five year old, I always look for drama when it comes to myself, I want to be the center of attention, my handwriting is crap, I have the memory of a fly, I'm a procrastinator, I pretend to be asleep to avoid talking to people, I bleed in public, I don't try hard enough not to scratch, sometimes I purposely hurt myself, pain feels really good, people can probably tell what I can do in my bed, I'm always trying to be a friggin fragile broken girl, I want to be beautifully tragic, I'd give up my life at the drop of a hat to benefit someone else & I am proud of it, I don't want to recover, I don't want to stop being afraid, sometimes I still think about smoking even though I don't get the cravings anymore, I try to be a manic pixie dream girl, I think I've started hating men a bit, I dream of being the best at everything, I'm constantly planning on being the best at everything, I'm a friggin teacher's pet, I still lok down on people sometimes, I'm not sure I can get angry, I'm a prude, I use my depression to justify actions I don't agree with, I'm too trusting, I don't trust enough probably, I think there's some internal racism in me, I always want to be desired, I can't stop talking about myself, I'm probably enjoying this right now because it involves talking about myself, I don't have enough guts to kill myself.

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