Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Gender Confused in a PINK SWIMSUIT

DUDE how does that even HAPPEN?! XD

Okay, so my freaking awesome mom decided that she would take us to this lake to swim and bike and sanddiaperburylegssandmonster and stuff. I was mostly swimming, and being awesome, and swimming. In my bright freaking pink swimsuit.

Crudely drawn representation of swimwear
So yes, swimming. Water. Bright freaking pink.

I am swimming, minding my own business, and then see this group of people a little distance away. They are also swimming and junk, apparently friends. They are staring straight at me.

Okay, this is weeeeeird.

And then, the one in the front of this small crowd of buddies dejectedly informs her friends;


in this way that almost sounds like my being female is an insult to water goers everywhere. Or she may have said it in a way that states that her friends are stupid.

In reality, she was the stupid one, because she severely underestimated the distance between us and how well her voice carries. So I heard that, and my very first thought was, am I really that incredibly manly to be gender confused in a bright pink one piece?

Apparently so. I doubt any gender confusion story will ever beat this one.

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I dunno if I can beat it, but I can try.

    A guy came up to me at school once and put his arm around me, saying something along the lines of, "Hey baby, you got a boyfriend?" Of course, I answered, "No, I have a girlfriend." Poor boy was mortified and went, "Oh my god, you're a dude?!"
    Okay, not so great. How about another try?

    On the first day of the last week of school I wore a skirt to school and four or five people were surprised that I wasn't a guy. I should add that I have a strictly girl's name.

    Never mind. You still win.
    It's because you're awesome like that.
