Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gender Confused

 That last post is still under construction. I was in the middle of adding those horrible doodles when mom came and I had to leave. I'll fix it. Later. After this.

 On Saturday, I volunteered with a Christian charity called the Tent Of Hope, run by the local churches in the area. We had a GIANT thing of free clothes, diapers, hygiene things, free photos, haircuts, a band, children's tent while parents got stuff, and last but not least a food shelf thing. Giant freaking semi truck container filled with bags of food, with each family getting a bag. (Except if it was a large family, liek 50 thousand million people came in a giant truck, we let them have two. And really, if they came twice, they probably needed it, so we gave them food too. Oh, and because of rain not as many people came, so we ended up shoving bags on random people-What, want one? No, take three, we insist!)

So anyway, thingy to help those in need. I was having a good time. When a parent was already holding a baby and two bags full of clothes, I volunteered to help carry grocery bags into the car. I always thanked them for coming, because it took dignity to ask for help, and we didn't want them to feel like they lost that dignity by coming. It was all well.

Then at one point in the five hour workday, I was carrying groceries for this women and her husband. I think they had some kids too. I plodded along behind her, even though I could easily pull in ahead with my fast walking I needed to know where the car was. At last she closes in along a black truck already filled with stuff, and as her husband tried to fit their clothing bags into the trunk, the woman I was following sits herself in shotgun. i nervously wonder where I should place their food bag, when the woman, seeing my state, decides to help.

"Here, sir, I'll take it, put it here."

...YES. I secretly celebrated in my mind as I gave her the groceries and wished them a good day. I was confused for a boy. With my short hair and a track suit on I wasn't showing any obviously femine things, and I guess I didn't talk exceedingly much to show my high chipper voice. And my nametag cooly read:
Hello, My Name Is
So there wasn't any clues there. But I think I just look masculine. You see, this has happened a few times before.

The first time was definityly  the BEST. It was right after I got the haircut, so it was at its shortest (it has since grown). Anyway, my family was driving out to the Land Of CheeseHeads to go camping. We had been driving for some hours and decided to find a rest stop, blah blah blah blah. So I of course go to the girl's room, in my jeans and sexually ambiguous T-shirt. There is a little blond girl just coming out of a stall. She looks to be only 9.

Her face is one of shock and horror as I  enter the women's restroom as well as the stall she was just in.\

It took me a few minutes to realize she thought I was a boy in the girl's room. I later heard evidence of the mother telling the frighterned youngster, "I'll tell you when we get to the car..."

The next instance was a few days later, at the camping site. My mother and I were going to the camp center to get more firewood. We went in, and the lady at the counter asked if I was having fun, and if we needed anything. I responded I was having a fabulous time camping in the obviously nature-y outdoors camping center, complete with ice cream bar, arcade, bike/go-cart rental, skate park etc. Then shee went to get the wood, and when she came back she told me,
"Have a good time, young man!"
Mom and I walked cooly out of the building. As soon as the door was shut, however, we doubled over laughing.

The last time I remember was in Chicago with friends. We had just gotten back from a band concert, and were in our concert white and black (white dress shirt with black bottoms, usually skirts for girls). I was in my make shift-tux; white dress shirt with snazzy black tie, my black dress pants and black shoes. The only way to tell I was a woman was a red clip in my hair, because it was day of silence. I was not speaking.

So we were in an FYE, looking through the anime like the nerds we are. A random guy comes up to us, about 18 if not older. He converses on many subjects he and only he enjoys, like how most animes have only scantily clad women, and how it's like porn. He then tells us how much he hated the ending on Inuyasha, which none of us had seen. Throughou this one-sided conversation, he swears in nearly every sentence.

Finally, he looks at me and asks, "Are you a dude, or a chick?" I don't speak, just laaaaugh as my freinds clear it up. I hug them as if they are all my harem.

Directly after that, the creep's friend called out to him. He had a hispanic woman by the arm and was saying, "Hey, this is your type, right?" The creep ran over, commenting about how he liked round women. The girl said they were creeps, and my friends and I high-tailed it outta there before he turned on us again.

I have never felt safe in any FYE since.

And so, my manry-ness has far exceeded any vast expectations I ever had. I even was told but ccountless people that I looked like Justin Beiber owo If that is  a compliment.

Life is good.

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