Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Visit

 Beck stayed at my house for three days. It was wonderful. It was absolutely wonderful.

I got to hold their hand a lot, it was wonderful. Their hair is very soft. I wish I had gotten to cuddle them more. I now miss the blessings of high school when I could just hold someone for an hour straight. That was great. I want to be able to do that with Beck. None of the kisses lasted long enough. They were all very sweet. Everything about Beck is very soft. I promised mom I wouldn't sleep next to Beck but she never checked the last night, I should have done it anyway. I miss them. I miss them a lot. Being next to them was a special kind of warm and it'll be hard to not have it anymore.

Five hours before we had to wake up for the airport, I couldn't sleep. I kept looking up above me at Beck's bunk and thinking that they would have to leave soon. I looked up and whispered, asking if they were awake. They were. I climbed up and we just touched foreheads and laid next to each other, and said "I'll miss you",  "I'm glad you came", and "I love you." I don't think I said anything but those three phrases that night, and I am happy with the three I chose.

Then I went back to bed.

I miss them. I miss them a lot. I keep remembering what it felt like to hold them. I keep remembering their smile and the way they held their hands. I keep remembering their laugh, and the way they'd duck down in embarrassment after kissing me. It was adorable. They are adorable. Way too adorable.

We left for the airport at 5:25 AM.  It was dark; I took them to the middle of the hill and showed them how Minneapolis sparkled in the distance, a flurry of lights. They kissed me and grabbed my hand. In the car all I wanted was to hold them tight tight tight but the seatbelt wouldn't let me. I kissed them before they went inside and mom laughed at me. I was not the least bit embarrassed.

I miss them. I miss them so so so so so so much. It will take a while for me to get used to just texts and video calls again. The real thing is so much better. I can't wait until I get to see them again.

I am so tired and all I want to do is dream of them beside me.

Life is good.

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